Dr. Xihui “Paul” Zhang is Professor of Computer Information Systems in the College of Business and Technology at the (UNA) in Florence, AL. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Earth Sciences from Nanjing University (1993, 1996), Nanjing, China, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Management Information Systems from the University of Memphis (2004, 2009), Memphis, TN. He serves as the coordinator for the Information Systems concentration in the MBA program for the UNA College of Business and Technology. He has served on the organizing committee for the International Research Workshop on Advances and Innovations in Software Testing since its inauguration in 2007. He has participated in numerous professional workshops including three SAP University Alliances North America Workshops: the 2011 winter workshop at Sam Houston State University, the 2011 summer workshop at California State University at Chico, and the 2014 summer workshop at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee. His research interests include the impact and management of information systems, software development and testing, as well as business and data analytics. His work has appeared in journals, including the Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Information & Management, Journal of Database Management, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Journal of Information Systems Education, and Journal of Information Technology Management, among others. He was presented with the UNA Academic Affairs Outstanding Scholarship/Research Award for 2016-2017. He was also presented with the UNA College of Business and Technology Faculty Research Award for 2011-2012. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Information Systems Education. He is a past Managing Editor of The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems. He serves on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Computer Information Systems. He is a member of ACM, AIS, DSI, and IACIS.
Research Interests
- Computer Information Systems
Courses Taught
- Business Administration (PhD)
The University of Memphis - Business Administration (MS)
The University of Memphis - Engineering Technology (MS)
The University of Memphis - Earth Sciences (MS)
Nanjing University - Earth Sciences (BS)
Nanjing University
Selected Intellectual Contributions
- Mark L. Gillenson, Thomas F. Stafford, Xihui Zhang, and Yao Shi. 2022.
- Elizabeth C. Donald, Michael A. Bumpus, and Xihui Zhang. 2021. A case study in selection and deployment of a multi-factor authentication solution. Issues in Information Systems
- Alice E. Cook, Andrew S. Gann, Daniel A. Ray, and Xihui Zhang. 2021. Advantages, challenges, and success factors in implementing information technology infrastructure library. Issues in Information Systems
- Tao Hu, Xin Luo, Hua Dai, and Xihui Zhang. 2021. Developing a value assessment framework of habitual social media use: A grounded theory approach. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research
- Qiunan Zhang, Mark L. Gillenson, and Xihui Zhang. 2021. Ethics in the Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Development Process: How Does the Person-Organization Ethics Fit Influence the Ethical Performance of AV?
- Mark L. Gillenson, Stephanie Totty, Qiunan Zhang, Xihui Zhang, and Yao Shi. 2021. Journal of Information Technology Management
- Amy Kay, Christian Hutcherson, Calen Keene, Xihui Zhang, and Mark G. Terwilliger. 2021. Issues in Information Systems
- Qiunan Zhang and Xihui Zhang. 2021.
- Yuelin Zhu, Qiunan Zhang, and Xihui Zhang. 2021.
- Naidong Zhao, Mingke Xiong, Xihui Zhang, and Mark G. Terwilliger. 2021. Proposing a framework of game-based learning and assessment systems. Issues in Information Systems
- John D. Crabtree and Xihui Zhang. 2021. Teaching Quantum Computing without a Quantum Computer.
- Qiunan Zhang, Colin G. Onita, Daniel A. Ray, Michael S. Banks, and Xihui Zhang. 2021. Issues in Information Systems
- Angela R. Stone and Xihui Zhang. 2021. Understanding success factors for ERP implementation: An integration of literature and experience. Issues in Information Systems
- Qiunan Zhang, Colin G. Onita, Michael S. Banks, and Xihui Zhang. 2021. Issues in Information Systems
- Bryon Miller and Xihui Zhang. 2020. Issues in Information Systems
- Xihui Zhang, John D. Crabtree, Mark G. Terwilliger, and Tyler T. Redman. 2020. Journal of Computer Information Systems
- Amy Kay, Christian Hutcherson, Calen Keene, and Xihui Zhang. 2020.
- Xihui Zhang, Ming Wang, Michael S. Banks, Qiunan Zhang, and Colin G. Onita. 2020. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice
- Kaylin Sevigne, Daniel A. Ray, Xihui Zhang, and John D. Crabtree. 2020.
- Xihui Zhang, Thomas F. Stafford, Tao Hu, and Hua Dai. 2020. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
- Bryon Miller, Katelin Miller, Xihui Zhang, and Mark G. Terwilliger. 2020. Issues in Information Systems
- Qiunan Zhang and Xihui Zhang. 2020.
- Xihui Zhang, John D. Crabtree, Mark G. Terwilliger, and Janet T. Jenkins. 2020. Journal of Information Systems Education
- Qiunan Zhang, Yuelin Zhu, Colin G. Onita, Michael S. Banks, and Xihui Zhang. 2020. Issues in Information Systems
- Mark L. Gillenson, Thomas F. Stafford, Xihui Zhang, and Yao Shi. 2020. Journal of Database Management
- Xihui Zhang, Carol Gossett, Jill Simpson, and Ron Davis. 2019. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice
- Xihui Zhang, Ming Wang, Michael S. Banks, and Qiunan Zhang. 2019.
- Mark L. Gillenson, Xihui Zhang, Achita Muthitacharoen, and Pattarawan Prasarnphanich. 2019. I’ve got you under my skin: The past, present, and future use of RFID technology in people and animals. Journal of Information Technology Management
- Qiunan Zhang and Xihui Zhang. 2019.
- Xihui Zhang, John D. Crabtree, Mark G. Terwilliger, and Janet T. Jenkins. 2019.
- Taylor F. Moore, Xihui Zhang, John D. Crabtree, and Mark G. Terwilliger. 2019. Understanding Blockchain Technology and Its Applications: A Critical Analysis.
- Yao Shi, Mark L. Gillenson, and Xihui Zhang. 2019.