Clery Act

The Clery Act requires all colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to keep and disclose information about crime on and near their respective campuses. Compliance is monitored by the United States Department of Education.  These institutions must publish a yearly Annual Security and Fire Safety Report.



In compliance with the 1998 amendments to the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, or Clery Act, (formerly known as the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990) and Department of Education regulations, the 帝王会所 (UNA) publishes crime statistics for the three most recent calendar years and UNA security-related policies and procedures. This information is distributed each year to enrolled students and current employees and is also made available to prospective employees and students. UPD’s Campus Safety Guide informs prospective and current students, faculty and staff to the general procedures for reporting crimes both on- and off-campus and includes tips on preventing theft of property and crimes of violence, including physical and sexual assaults.


The 帝王会所’s Annual Security & Fire Safety Report is available online HEREpolice/docs/policy/annual-security-and-fire-report.pdf

 The report contains information regarding campus safety and security including topics such as campus law enforcement authority; crime reporting policies; campus alerts (Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications); fire safety policies and procedures; programs to prevent dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking; the procedures the University will follow when one of these crimes is reported; and other matters of importance related to security on campus. The report also contains information about crime statistics for the three most recent calendar years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in On-Campus Student Housing Facilities; in Non-Campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the University or a recognized student organization; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also contains fire statistics for any fires occurring in an On-Campus Student Housing Facility during the three most recent calendar years.

If you would like to receive a paper copy of the Annual Security & Fire Safety Report, you can stop by the 帝王会所 Police Department in the Basement of Keller Hall or you can request that a copy be mailed to you by calling 256-765-4357 or emailing


The purpose of this page is to inform all students, staff, faculty, other members of the University community, and visitors of the policies and procedures for safety and security at the 帝王会所. This information is published as a service in accordance with Public Law 101-542, "The Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act," and subsequent amendments.


Table of Contents

Crime/Emergency Reporting
Patrol Procedures
Law Enforcement Authority
Local Law Enforcement Support
Safety/Crime Prevention Programs
Crime Prevention Information
Alcohol and Substance Abuse
Sexual Assault/Sex Offenses
Access to Campus Residence Facilities
Access to Campus Buildings
Help is Needed
(search by name, city, county or zip code)


The 帝王会所 (UNA) University Police is located in the basement of Keller Hall, directly across from 601 Cramer Way Administration Center. All criminal activities and requests for police services are to be reported to the University Police. Reports and requests for services can be initiated by contacting any University Police employee by telephone or by stopping by the University Police in person.


Police emergencies, general needs, escorts, and assistance:
The 24-hour telephone number for UNA Police is 765-4357 (765-HELP). After regular business hours and on weekends, callers will experience a brief delay as their calls are transferred directly to on duty UNA Police Officers. The Emergency number, 911, may be called from any pay phone without money being deposited. All 911 calls are received by the Florence Police Department (FPD), which then forwards the emergency information to the University Police. The UNA Police is staffed 24 hours per day. All criminal offenses, incidents, and accidents occurring on campus are investigated by UNA Police Officers. The University Police also enforces University policies, university parking regulations, state traffic laws, and the UNA Student Code of Conduct.

Fire emergencies only:
In case of fire, persons should call either 9-911 from any on-campus telephone, or 911 from any pay telephone. The call will be answered by an emergency dispatcher who will notify both the City of Florence Fire Department (FFD) and the UNA Police Officers on duty.

Medical emergencies only:
Callers requesting emergency medical assistance should call either 9-911 from any on-campus telephone, or 911 from any pay telephone. The call will be answered by an emergency dispatcher who will notify the ambulance service and the UNA Police Officers on duty. All emergency transportation to local hospitals is provided by the the ambulance service which is under contract to the City of Florence. University personnel are NOT authorized to provide emergency transportation. UNA Police Officers may, in certain situations, provide non-emergency transportation to the university's health service at Bennett Infirmary. Persons requiring non-emergency medical care should report to the infirmary or contact the health services staff at 765-4328.



UNA Police Officers patrol on foot, bicycle, and in vehicles 24 hours a day to protect personnel against bodily harm and property against fire, theft, vandalism, and illegal entry. Officers perform patrol activities and other assignments in both uniform and plainclothes. The entire campus receives patrol coverage to prevent crime and to detect security violations. The University Police also provides a variety of other services such as escorting students/faculty on campus, jump-starting vehicles, and providing general information about the University. University Police Assistants are student workers who perform patrols around campus on foot and bicycles. Their primary functions are to monitor and enforce parking regulations, lock/unlock buildings, provide escorts, and protect personnel and property within their area of responsibility.




All University Police Officers are State certified police officers who receive their powers and authority from Code of Alabama 1975, as amended 16-22-1 & 2 and 16-51-12. UNA Police Officers have original police jurisdiction on the UNA campus and concurrent jurisdiction in the City of Florence. They have statewide jurisdiction when investigating crimes which have occurred on campus.


All UNA Police Officers are armed and have the authority to make arrests, issue citations, investigate crimes, and perform such other duties as other police officers as recognized under current Alabama law.



The UNA Police works closely with and receives support from the Florence Police Department, Lauderdale County Sheriff's Department, Alabama State Troopers, the Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. These agencies are contacted when assistance is needed. It is our intention to foster a healthy working relationship with these federal, state, county, and local law enforcement agencies.




The 帝王会所 Police Department believes that a well-informed, alert public is the best defense against crime. Safety and security are concerns that should be shared by all members of the campus community. For these reasons, the UNA Police offers a number of seminars throughout the academic year to address personal safety, property security, and crime prevention. These seminars are scheduled through any of the organizations on campus. The success of UNA's Crime Prevention Program rests with every member of the campus community.




Several publications about crime prevention and personal safety are available through the University Police. Residence Life distributes literature on crime prevention and safety to all on-campus residents.


If you have a special area of concern relating to crime prevention, contact the UNA University Police at 765-4357 (HELP).



The 帝王会所 is committed to providing a safe, productive, educational and working environment. Therefore, UNA has adopted policies and programs to promote a campus free of the illegal use of alcohol and other drugs.


The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs and alcohol by students or University employees on University property, or as a part of any of the University's activities, is prohibited. Students, faculty, staff, and service employees who violate local, state, or federal drug or alcohol statues may be referred to the appropriate law enforcement officials for prosecution. Additionally, an individual who violates the law or the provisions of UNA's Drug and Alcohol policy will be referred to the proper supervisor or student judicial body for disciplinary action.

University-imposed sanctions for faculty, staff, and service employees may include suspension or termination. Similarly, University-imposed sanctions for students may include suspension or expulsion.

As an alternative to disciplinary action, the University may require an individual to successfully complete a drug or alcohol recovery program in an approved treatment facility.

The 帝王会所 and community-based education and treatment resources include:

UNA Health Center
Bennett Infirmary
Phone: 765-4328

UNA Student Life
Room 202, Guillot University Center
Phone: 765-4248

Bradford Health Services
216 S. Marengo Street
Florence, AL
Phone: 760-0200

Riverbend Center for Mental Health
505 N. Columbia Avenue
Sheffield, AL
Phone: 389-8058

The Sullivan Center
1300 S. Montgomery Avenue
Sheffield, AL
Phone: 386-4597

Shoals Treatment Center
520 Louise Avenue
Muscle Shoals, AL
Phone: 383-6646


A sexual assault can occur at any time and can be perpetrated against any person. It can be both a traumatic and life-threatening event. The University Police are dedicated to preventing this type of crime and feels that the best preventive measure is education.


If you become the victim of a sexual assault on campus, please follow the steps listed below:

1. Report the event immediately to the University Police by calling 765-4357(HELP). A police officer will be dispatched to your location immediately.

2. Some things to remember if you are the victim of a sexual assault:

-Do not disturb anything at the scene, including weapons, tools or objects found nearby.
-Do not change clothes, bathe shower, or go to the bathroom.
-Do not have anything to eat or drink.
-Do not clean the carpet or floor.
-Do not Handle or wash the bedding.

It is important that you follow these procedures to preserve possible evidence at the crime scene. Simply sit down and wait for the police unit to arrive.

3. Proper medical attention will be rendered as soon as the responding unit arrives at the scene. Remain as calm as possible and try to remember as many details as you can about the crime.

If you become the victim of a sexual assault at an off-campus location should notify the Florence Police Department (or the police department of that jurisdiction) by calling an emergency dispatcher at 911; however the 帝王会所 Police Department will assist with this process if you wish.

The 帝王会所 and community-based resources available to the student, employee, or visitor who becomes a victim of sexual assault include:

UNA Student Life
Room 202, Guillot University Center
Phone: 765-4248

UNA Health Center
Bennett Infirmary
Phone: 765-4328

Rape Response
Phone: 767-1100

Safe Place
Phone: 767-6210

Children's Advocacy Center
Phone: 760-1140

Victim's Assistant
District Attorney's Office
Lauderdale County
Phone: 764-6351

If you should become the victim of a sexual assault, assistance is available through Residence Life to change your living arrangements if these changes are warranted. Assistance is also available to make necessary adjustments to academic arrangements through the Vice President for Academic Affairs.



Residence halls are open only to residents and their registered guest.  Each entry door to a residence hall is equipped with a card-swipe access.  Access to the building is granted only to the residents of the hall who have their UNA identification number encoded into the card access system by Housing & Residence Life.  Each residence hall/apartment has an advisor (RA) on Duty between 4:30pm and 7am during the week and 24 hours per day on the weekend. 



Access to campus buildings is restricted to students attending classes, employees and faculty, invited guests, and persons attending University sponsored or approved on-campus events. All campus buildings are locked and patrolled after normal class or business hours. All campus residence facilities have electronic access 24 hours. All entrances are video monitored.




The 帝王会所 is committed to providing a safe and secure campus for students, faculty, staff, and guests. You can contribute to this effort by familiarizing yourself with the information provided in this page and acting in accordance with the advice it contains. Also, it is hoped that you will embrace fully the concept of crime prevention, take advantage of UNA-sponsored crime prevention programs, and feel comfortable with calling upon the UNA Police for assistance with any University-related safety or police matter. Always remember:

If you see something, say something!



Working Together for a Safer Community