Advisor Profile

As we move toward the end of the semester, we (in IT Services) have been working to provide you with enhanced resources that will help you as you advise students. After you return from Thanksgiving break, you will see a new link in UNAPortal.

From this single location, you can:

  • See and email all your advisees.
  • View the student's current degree/major information.
  • View the student's currently registered courses.
  • See all the student's Biographical Information (Date of Birth, Citizenship, Emergency Contact Information.)

To access this site, log into UNAPortal and navigate to the Advisors tab. Then, click on the Advisee Search/Student Profile link.

UNA Portal Example Image

Or, from Self-Service, click on the Faculty Services tab. Then, click on the Student Information Menu link. Finally, click on the Advisee Search/Student Profile link. Also, many of the links on this page have been removed as all the information can be viewed within the new Student Profile.

Portal - Faculty Resources

The Advisee Search page opens where you can search for students and view their information.

Portal example three

Make sure you select the proper term.

Portal example four

You can search for a student by ID, e-mail address, or by name (Last, First).

Portal example five

When the profile opens, you will see the student’s profile with all his/her information.

Portal example six

You will find the student’s name and University ID along with his/her ManeCard photo.

Portal example seven

In the upper right of the screen, you will see any notices or holds along with who to contact.

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Also, you can view the student’s registration PIN from this single location.

Portal example nine

Within the registered courses section, you can simply click on his/her name and see contact information regarding the instructor.

Portal example 10

On the left of the screen, you can click a link to view the student’s grades.

Portal example 11

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There is a lot of information available from this one location. Some of the links and functionality are still using the old look and feel of Self-Service but we are working to improve them as well. This new functionality provides all a student’s information in one location for easy viewing and easy access. Hopefully, this functionality will help you as you work with students and help them along their educational journey.

Information Technology Services