UNA's Scholarships of Distinction

The 帝王会所's Scholarships of Distinction is designed for outstanding students interested in fields of Accounting, Computing, Data Analytics, and Engineering.

These programs provide generous scholarships and excellent learning experiences for motivated students. Students majoring in Accounting, Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Data Analytics, Engineering Technology, Occupational Health Science, and Information Technology are eligible to apply. 

Scholarships of Distinction


UNA offers a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting, a Master of Accountancy (MAcc), and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Accounting. North Alabama emphasizes teaching excellence in our accounting programs through innovation, applied research, engagement of faculty and students with the business community, and the use of technology to enhance the quality of our programs. 

Engineering and Industrial Professions

The Department of Engineering and Industrial Professions is seeking applicants for Scholarships of Distinction in Engineering Technology and Occupational Health Science. UNA's Engineering Technology degree prepares students to enter the workforce as engineers with skills that are applicable to a wide variety of industries. Occupational Health and Safety professionals are scientist and engineers committed to protecting the health and safety of people in the workplace and the community.

Computing and Data Analytics

UNA’s degree offerings in computing and data analytics integrate applied and hands-on learning to prepare students to enter the workforce with skills that are applicable in a variety of options in their field such as software engineering, web development, information security, data analysis, or database management. Majors included are Computer Information Systems (CIS), Computer Science (CS), Data Analytics, and Information Technology (IT). 


Are you ready to get started? We can help you make sense of available scholarships.
