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The motion was approved unanimously. Old Business Early Scholars Program. Dr. David Muse, Dr. Ron Smith, Dr. Sue Wilson, Ms. Kim Mauldin, and Ms. Marteal Rowell are putting together a report to address the Early Scholars Program. The report will be presented at the Faculty Senate meeting on April 17. New Business Distance Learning. Dr. Craig Robertson asked if there was an admissions counselor designated for on-line students and Dr. Wilson said that there is not at present, but that could be considered in the future. Currently, students in the on-line MBA program work with Toysan Reed and the on-line MSN students work with Sandra Thompson. Distance learning students work with the advisors in their majors. Dr. Barrett will invite Dr. Paulette Alexander, chair of the Distance Learning Advisory Committee, to our next meeting, scheduled for April 29, at 3:30 p.m., in the Faculty-Staff Commons. Announcements Ms. Jacques announced that the SGA is still considering an Honors Court. Dr. Robertson is working on the Faculty Attitude Survey. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. ____________________________ Dr. Doug Barrett, Chair     PAGE  ES_tuvw   G Z n    & 7 W ] ^ _ ͺͲͪ͢tiaaih}CJaJhZJhZJCJaJhZJ5>*CJaJh gCJaJh gh[CJaJhZJCJaJhSCJaJh7[CJaJhC,CJaJh="CJaJh'F CJaJh gh0CJaJh ghl0CJaJhC,5CJaJh="5CJaJh ghl05CJaJh`5CJaJ&+Tuvw  ^ _ r s dgd*dgd}dgdC,gdC,$a$gdC, (_ q r s t   . 9 ? 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