ࡱ> IKH kbjbj .6hhk     !!!!$E<! !\\\  $"V%  \\       V@?q?.!  u  0 !)x$&v$&$& \^>L\\\  \\\ !$&\\\\\\\\\ :  ANNUAL REPORT July 15, 2007 Faculty-Staff Welfare Committee Florence, Alabama Sandra F. Poole July 15, 2007 Committee Chair Date submitted Submitted to: Shared Governance Committee and Vice-President of Fiscal Affairs Date received UNIVERSITY OF NORTH ALABAMA ANNUAL REPORT 2006-2007 Executive Summary The Faculty/Staff Welfare Committee met ten times between September 2006-July 2007 there was not a quorum at three of the meetings so business was not conducted during those meetings. Issues addressed included quarterly updates on health and dental usage, faculty development leave, the University statement regarding employment of foreign nationals, pets in the work place, course hour remission for employees and dependent children. Faculty and Staff handbook committee were established. The Committees Charge A. To monitor matters relating to faculty and staff welfare, including compensation, benefits, health and safety, and quality and equity of work life issues. B. To review and develop performance review systems for both faculty and staff. C. To ensure the complete, accurate, and timely placement of policies and policy changes in the Faculty Handbook and the Staff and Service Employees Personnel Handbook. D. To communicate its deliberations and findings to the President, and after discussion with the President, to the University community. The Committee met on the following dates (2006-2007: September 21, October 25, November 16, November 30, January 17, February 12, March 21 where a quorum was present. Specify whether a quorum was present for each meeting Three other meetings were scheduled and a quorum was not present. The committee discussed various items and did not conduct official business. Where are the minutes of these Committee meetings posted? No instructions were given as to posting the minutes. When the chair checked the Shared Governance website, entries to website were not current nor were there instructions on how to post the minutes. C. If fewer than eight meetings were scheduled, explain why more meetings were not necessary. All of our meetings were necessary; however, due to Banner Training and other meetings that were held, it was difficult to get a quorum especially during the summer. Even though there were three meetings where a quorum was not present, all issues forwarded to the Faculty/Staff Welfare Committee were handled in a timely and efficient manner. As you can see, the Committee met two times in November due to issues that needed to be resolved in a timely manner. Also many issues were discussed over web mail. What were the Committees actions and accomplishments this year relative to each of the items of the charge? Members of the Faculty/Staff Welfare Committee continued to serve on the Salary Issues committee to discuss faculty and staff compensation. The Faculty/ Staff Welfare Committee did not address the performance review systems for faculty and staff since the Salary Issues Committee is working with Human Resources to retain a consultant that will be looking at issues as related to faculty and staff compensation in comparison to other peer institutions. In addition, several members of the Faculty/Staff Welfare Committee also serve on the Salary Issues Committee. The Faculty Handbook committee is also working with the Faculty Affairs committee on issues related to faculty promotions. The Committee monitored the cost of insurance on a quarterly basis. Several issues were discussed and reviewed including: revision of the Remission of Course Hour Fee policy, the Foreign National Policy, the Pet Policy, and Faculty office hours. Subcommittees were formed for the purpose of updating both the faculty and staff handbooks. All deliberations and actions of this committee were reported to the Vice President for Business and Financial. What were the Committees formal recommendations? A. The Foreign Nationals Policy B. An increase in the remission of course hour fees for dependent children. C. Faculty Development Leave policy D. Pet Policy What does the Committee plan to accomplish A. In the coming year? The committee will continue to fulfill its charge and address issues that are received from the various Shared Governance committees, the President, and/or other administrative officials. The committee will work closely with the Salary Issues Committee regarding Faculty and Staff promotions, compensation and development. The committee will continue to monitor issues that affect the faculty and staff welfare. In future years? To continue with ongoing work as stated above. What are the Committees weaknesses? What actions will be taken next year to address the weaknesses? Instructions were not provided on how or where to file minutes and/or reports for this committee. B. What can the Shared Governance Committee help you do to address the weaknesses? Provide the chair and vice chair instructions for posting minutes to the web so that the campus community will have access to the issues addressed by this committee. Comments: The Faculty/Staff Welfare committee is an integral part of the campus community and the Shared Governance process. The members of this committee took their charge very seriously. The lack of a quorum for three meeting was due to conflicts with Banner and other important meetings scheduled at the same time on campus. The Committee would like to recommend that the Shared Governance committee appoint one individual to be responsible for posting minutes and reports to the Shared Governance website. 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