ࡱ> 695 Xbjbj 4X EEEEEYYYYm Y[0yyyyy$-6EEEyy    EyEy   8yP4*Y +0[ ,c c8cEF  [c : Technologies Advisory Committee Meeting Minute January 28, 2010, 3:30 p.m. VPAA Conference Room The meeting was called to order at 3:30 by Dan Burton, Chair. Members present were Ian Loeppky, Andy Taylor, Katie Kenny, Priscilla Holland, Sherri Hester, Dan Burton, Betty Rickard, and Donna Tipps. Also present was Randall Horn. Minutes from the November 19, 2009 meeting were presented. Ian Loeppky made a motion to approve the minutes as presented with a second from Katie Kenny. The motion was approved with no objections. The first order of business was an update on the technologies budget. Randall Horn reported that after all the currently budgeted expenditures there will only be about $130,000 remaining for unexpected repairs and needed replacements. He said the two biggest issues that we are facing are the computer replacements in the Keller Hall labs and Collier labs. The Keller labs alone could cost $150,000 or more. One of the Keller labs was original built as an experiment and was never approved as an official lab. Because of the cost and the fact that one of the labs is not an approved lab, Dr. Holland has asked Dr. Gatlin if the College of Business can help pay for some of the computers. One option Randall mentioned was the possibility of going to virtual labs. However, he would like to have a pilot study first before going fully in that direction. In old business, Dr. Burton reported that the Revised IT Policy Proposal was sent to the Executive Committee of Shared Governance. It was then sent to Faculty Senate, Staff Senate and Student Government Association. Mr. Horn reported that he went to the Staff Senate meeting in December to explain the policy. The proposal was approved by the Staff Senate unanimously. The SGA requested to speak to Mr. Horn about the policy. He will do that as soon as possible. In new business, Dr. Burton informed the committee that he had sent a request to Shared Governance Executive Committee requesting two new non-voting member positions for the committee. One of those would be the Director of Computer & Telecommunication Services, and the other would be a representative from Educational Technologies Services. Randall presented a recommendation for an IT Policy. There had been no response from the Shared Governance Executive Committee. In other new business Mr. Horn wanted to inform the committee of Computer Services four main projects for this academic year. They are: To finish the Active Directory project To move the mail server to Exchange once the Active Directory project is done at which time the students email will go off campus to gmail or hotmail Virtual labs Physical plant building on East Campus and East Campus possibly being the pilot for VOIP The meetings for the rest of the spring term will be February 25, March 18 and April 22 at 3:30 in the VPAA Conference Room. The meeting adjourned at 4:30. 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