Preparing for Your Advising Appointment
Being prepared for your academic advisement sessions is key to your success. Advisors are available to help you navigate your curriculum, discover and discuss career and other life goals, and connect you with resources and opportunities outside the classroom. You must meet with an advisor before you can register for classes.
Incoming Students
- Your UNA email address and password are provided in your acceptance letter. Your UNA email address will serve as your log-in credentials for all UNA accounts.
- Set up DUO two-factor authentication – instructions here:
- Add Microsoft Outlook app to your phone for easy email access. Enable push notifications so you don’t miss an important email!
- Sign your Financial Responsibility Agreement to remove the hold on your account (under the "Student Accounts" tab on UNA Portal). This is a registration hold that is placed on all incoming students but is lifted automatically once this agreement is signed.
- Review Financial information
- View your Financial Aid dashboard to accept awards and student work-study, complete entrance counseling and e-sign your Master Promissory Note. Click here for FAQ and more information:
- View your Student Account dashboard to set up payment plans or add an authorized user (parent, guardian, etc.) to your billing account. Click here for FAQ and more information:
- Review Academic Profile: Verify that your major is listed correctly and that ACT/SAT/Placement test scores have been received.
- Explore Degree Works Degree Audit to view credit articulation (AP, dual enrollment, transfer credit, etc.)
- FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act)
- In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, UNA employees cannot release student information to parents or guardians without written consent of the student.
- For more information and for the student to provide FERPA consent, visit
- Schedule advising appointment – locate the advisor for your major here:
- Schedule placement tests if needed - /successcenter/testing
- Build schedule options using Pride Planner -
Current Students
Review your Degree Works Degree Audit to verify that you’re on track with your academic progress. You can also see Notes from your advisor and utilize the GPA calculator.
Prepare questions to ask your advisor about course selection, academic progress, and to make sure you’re on track. You can also ask questions about experiential learning opportunities in the field of your major, how to get connected with campus resources, or discuss any questions or concerns you have as a student.
Most academic advisors will contact current students via their UNA email ahead of the advising period to ask them to schedule an appointment. Currently enrolled students can view their assigned advisor in UNA Portal. If you have additional questions, email or call 256-765-4722.
Account holds could impact your ability to register for classes, view your grades, or view your transcript. Holds will be listed on your Student Profile in UNA Portal in the top right corner – click the number and your holds will be listed along with the office associated with the hold.
Build schedule options using Pride Planner –