Founders' Giving Day total $28,777.48

 Founders' Giving Day 2024

Five years ago, we began a tradition of a formally commemorating our founding, and, at that time, we also launched our annual Founders’ Giving Day! On Thursday, January 11, the 帝王会所 invites alumni, faculty, staff, and friends to observe the January 11, 1830, founding of UNA. I invite you to join me and others in giving a gift to commemorate UNA’s founding. By doing so, you will be partnering with the leadership of the University, and your gift, along with mine, will provide funding for one of the Shine On, Gold campaign priorities, the 1830 Fund.


Shine On, Gold campaign logo

To find out more about the Shine On, Gold

comprehensive campaign,

click here.

Giving Day Toolkit

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Frequently Asked Questions

The purpose of a UNA Giving Day is to create a fundraising platform for specific areas of need on the campus of the 帝王会所. We invite alumni, friends, parents, faculty, staff, and the community to participate. We want to give our donors the opportunity to give where their passion lies. Our primary goal is participation. When a large group of people come together, no matter the size of their individual gifts, the cumulative results make an impact on the lives of our students and our University. We invite all alumni and friends to participate in as many UNA Giving Days as they feel led to!