Participating Universities
Fall 2023- Spring 2024 Schedule
(passcode: J5J@y0iA)
Dr. Praveen Parboteeah, Professor of Management, will present, “Meta-Analysis – Why and How?” at 11:30 CT/12:30 ET. Access the recording
Dr. Umit Saglam, Associate Professor in the Department of Management and Marketing at ETSU, will speak at 11:30am CT (12:30pm ET) on “Driving Sustainable Productivity of the United States.
View the recording here:
Dr. Blain Pearson, Assistant Professor of Finance and Blanton Distinguished Research Award winner, will speak at 11:30am CT (12:30pm ET) on “Knowing the “Don’t Knows” to the Financial Literacy Questions in the U.S. National Financial Capability Study.”
Access the recording .
1-2 pm ET (12-1 pm CT): Dr. Jennifer Bannister, Assistant Professor of Accounting at the University of Dallas, will present the topic. "Does the U.S. Market Reward Foreign Firms and Domestic Firms Differently? Evidence from Meeting-or-Beating Earnings Expectations." Access the recording (password- Wu%4$L+A).
Spring 2023 Schedule
Dr. Hongxia Wang, Associate Professor and AVX Distinguished Professor of Finance at Coastal Carolina University, presented “The Impact of More Able Managers on Corporate Trade Credit.” Access the recording
You can access the recording here:
Passcode: Wz7@GV$^
Here is a link to the recording:
Passcode: 3=e11&qX
Dr. Jim Harlan, AFG Chair of Excellence in Business and Practice at East Tennessee State University, will present
“Shadows of F.W. Taylor in Contemporary Management Teaching and Practice.”
Here is a link to the recording:
Fall 2022 Schedule
Dr. Matt Oglesby, Assistant Professor of Management, will present “Ethical Leadership in a Remote Sales Context: Implications for Employee Well-being and Performance.”
Here is a link to the Zoom recording:
Passcode: &D&m74+7
Dr. Renita Murimi, an Associate Professor of Cybersecurity in the Gupta College of Business at the University of Dallas, will present “Ransomware Disruptions: A Case Study of how the Revil Ransomware Affected an Australian Beverage Company.”
Access the Zoom recording here:
Dr. Sookhyun Kim, Associate Professor of Marketing at East Tennessee State University, will present "Relationship Marketing in B2B/B2C & D.E.I."
Here are the presentation details:
Dr. Nachiket Bhawe, an Associate Professor of Management at UNC-Pembroke, will present “At the nexus of formal and informal economy: Investigating the resilience of social enterprises to policy shocks.”
Here are the presentation details:
Passcode: ZGD4!s15
Dr. Balaji Sankaranarayanan, Associate Professor of Information Technology at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, will present, “The Impacts of Patient-Technology Fit and Electronic Patient Portal Use on Patient Satisfaction.”
Please find the link to the recording here:
Please email Dr. Sankaranarayanan ( for the required password.
Spring 2022 Schedule
Dr. Matt Jenkins, Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management, will present his research entitled, "Supply Chain 4.0 in Small to Medium Sized Enterprises." Access the recording .
Dr. Chrissann Ruehle, Florida Gulf Coast University, will present,
“Investigating Market and Regulatory Forces Shaping Artificial Intelligence Adoptions.” Access the Zoom presentation here:
Dr. Mengyu Ma, Assistant Professor of Accounting at the University of Central Arkansas presented “Auditor Tax Expertise and Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from Taiwan.”
Fall 2021 Schedule
Dr. Ashley Mandeville, Assistant Professor of Management, will present, "A Glimpse into the Life of a Pregnant Employee."
Here is the Zoom link:
Passcode: Qj@Sq0@3
Dr. Zonghui (Zoey) Li, Assistant Professor of Management, will present, “Executive Pay Dispersion: Reconciling the Differing Effects of Pay Inequality and Pay Inequity on firm performance.”
Access the recording
Dr. Reza Maihami, Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management presented “Pricing and Sourcing Policy Under Supply Disruptions in a Retailer Market: A Game Theory Analysis.”
Dr. Jason Imbrogno, Associate Professor of Economics, will present “Multi-Entry Sports Gambling.” Here is the Zoom link: :
Passcode: 3Ta^K808
August 27th (11:30-12:30 CST) - Huiqiong Duan, Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Central Arkansas, presented Gender imbalance and temporary migration: Evidence from rural China.
Spring 2021 Schedule
April 23 (12:30 ET, 11:30 CT)- managed by Coastal Carolina University- Dr. Mitchell Church, Associate Professor of Management Information Systems, is the Blanton Distinguished Research Impact Award winner in the Wall College of Business. Dr. Church will present on Etsy and the long-tail: how microenterprises use hyper-differentiation in online handicraft marketplaces.
Access the recording . (Passcode: kY@#iJZ9)
April 9 (12:30 ET, 11:30 CT)-
Dr. J. Lee Whittington presented on The Engagement Factor: Building a High-Commitment Workforce in a Low-Commitment World. J. Lee is Professor of Management in the Gupta College of Business and the founding Director of the DBA program at the University of Dallas. His research on employee engagement has generated numerous journal articles and a book, Enhancing Employee Engagement: An Evidence-Based Approach, published by Palgrave MacMillan (2017) and featuring two faculty members (Whittington and Beldona) and two DBA graduates (Meskelis and Asare) as co-authors.
March 26 (12:30 ET, 11:30 CT)- managed by Florida Gulf Coast University- Dr. Nicholas Wright is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics and Finance at FGCU and winner of the 2020 Lutgert College of Business Best Research Paper Award. His presentation is entitled, “College Financing and Students’ Outcomes: Promise and Perils.”
March 12 (12:30 ET, 11:30 CT)- managed by the 帝王会所- CIS professor Dr. Ron Davis presented Development of a Customer Wait Time Prediction Model for the Full-Service Restaurant Industry.