Participating Universities

Fall 2023- Spring 2024 Schedule

Dr. Justin Scott, Assistant Professor of Management in the Sanders College of Business and Technology, presented “What gives workplaces a family-like atmosphere? An exploratory study.” Access the recording . 

Spring 2023 Schedule

Dr. Hongxia Wang, Associate Professor and AVX Distinguished Professor of Finance at Coastal Carolina University, presented “The Impact of More Able Managers on Corporate Trade Credit.” Access the recording

Fall 2022 Schedule

Dr. Matt Oglesby, Assistant Professor of Management, will present “Ethical Leadership in a Remote Sales Context:  Implications for Employee Well-being and Performance.” 

Here is a link to the Zoom recording:  
Passcode: &D&m74+7

Spring 2022 Schedule

Dr. John Parnell will chair a panel discussion on Business in a Post-Pandemic World. The panelists include scholars from the 帝王会所 and the University of North Carolina – Pembroke: Dr. Scott Cohen (UNCP), Dr. Wes Davenport (UNA), Dr. Erin Gillespie (UNA), Dr. Jack Spillan (UNCP). Access the recording . Passcode: ^p#zS3E@)

Fall 2021 Schedule

Dr. Ashley Mandeville, Assistant Professor of Management, will present, "A Glimpse into the Life of a Pregnant Employee."

Here is the Zoom link: 

Passcode: Qj@Sq0@3

Spring 2021 Schedule

April 23 (12:30 ET, 11:30 CT)- managed by Coastal Carolina University- Dr. Mitchell Church, Associate Professor of Management Information Systems, is the Blanton Distinguished Research Impact Award winner in the Wall College of Business. Dr. Church will present on Etsy and the long-tail: how microenterprises use hyper-differentiation in online handicraft marketplaces.

Access the recording . (Passcode: kY@#iJZ9)