edTPA is a performance-based, subject-specific assessment and support system used by teacher preparation programs throughout the United States to emphasize, measure and support the skills and knowledge that all teachers need from Day 1 in the classroom. For each handbook field, the placement is a Pre-Kindergarten to 12th grade classroom. edTPA is a subject-specific assessment that includes versions for 27 teaching fields. The assessment features a common architecture focused on three tasks: Planning, Instruction, and Assessment.
Aspiring teachers must prepare a portfolio of materials during their student teaching clinical experience. edTPA requires aspiring teachers to demonstrate readiness to teach through lesson plans designed to support their students' strengths and needs; engage real students in ambitious learning; analyze whether their students are learning, and adjust their instruction to become more effective. Teacher candidates submit unedited video recordings of themselves at work in a real classroom as part of a portfolio that is scored by highly trained educators. edTPA builds on decades of teacher performance assessment development and research regarding teaching skills and practices that improve student learning.
Here at the 帝王会所, we utilize TK20 as our platform for candidates to work on their edTPA portfolio while in the first half of their internship. For general information on TK20, please visit our site here.
For more information about edTPA, visit
For frequently asked questions, visit
For information about Alabama cut scores, visit
The following links provide support for teacher candidates, cooperating teachers, and supervisors which may be helpful throughout the completion of edTPA.
•Teachers Who Support Teacher Candidates Brochure