POMCO UNA Bluelight App

帝王会所 BlueLight app is a free app to quickly access safety information by the tap of an icon. The 帝王会所 developed this app to provide information for emergencies and links to safety resources. The app is easy to download and free. Some of the provided services are:

  • Easily contact the University Police Department in the event of an emergency.
  • Mobile blue light sends your location and calls UPD simultaneously
  • Allows you setup emergency contacts, other than UPD, that you can alert in an emergency and share your location with.

The App is available here:


App store:

BlueTooth-enabled device paired with smartphone app

  • 3 essential functions of emergency call: 911 phone call, geolocation tracking and personal profile info
  • Activated with 3 clicks of fob button: no need to carry phone in hand, remove gloves or unlock phone.
  • Speaker and microphone in rechargeable fob allow user to speak directly to dispatcher.
  • Exact geolocation transmitted to dispatcher via Internet (mobile data or WiFi) and constantly updated
  • Personal profile info, including medical info, transmitted to dispatcher via Internet (mobile data or WiFi)
  • Other features include:
    • Walking escort sends alert if user doesn't reach intended destination in user-defined time frame
    • Secondary alert allows pre-defined text or e-mail to be sent to a friend by holding button for 5 seconds
    • Emergency calls made outside campus boundaries go to local 911 dispatcher, anywhere in the United States
  • For more information on how the POM can increase your security, and on how to get your own POM device .

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