Policies for Grants and Sponsored Programs
Policies for Proposals, Acceptance, and Use of Externally Funded Grants and Contracts and Policies for the Conduct of Research (Download)
1 General Policies.
1.1 Mission Statement.
1.2 Organization of the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs.
1.2.1 OGSP Primary Roles and Responsibilities.
1.2.2 Relationship to Grants and Contracts Accounting.
1.2.3 Supplemental Guidance and Official Websites.
1.3 Fidelity to Law, Regulation and Contract Obligations.
1.4 Principal Investigator’s Responsibility for Proposal Development and Award Administration; OGSP and OGCA to Assist.
1.5 Assumption of Responsibility.
1.6 Subrecipient Monitoring.
1.7 Official Communications.
1.8 Compliance Policies.
1.9 Adoption and Amendments.
1.10 Acronyms.
1.11 Definitions.
1.11.1 Principal Investigator (PI), Co-Principal Investigator and Faculty Participants: the Principal Investigator.
1.11.2 Institutional Base Salary (IBS).
1.11.3 Institutional Base Salary Rate.
1.11.4 Extra Service Pay.
1.11.5 Voluntary Committed Cost Share.
1.11.6 Voluntary Uncommitted Cost Share.
2 Pre-Award Development Policies.
2.1 General Roles and Responsibilities.
2.1.1 OGSP.
2.1.2 The Principal Investigator.
2.1.3 The College Dean and Department Head (or Vice President).
2.2 Principal Investigator to Coordinate with OGSP.
2.3 Proposal Approvals Required, OGSP Review and Submission Required.
2.3.1 Full Proposal Deadline.
2.3.2 PI to Remain Available.
2.3.3 Effect of Missed Deadlines.
2.4 Budget Preparation.
2.4.1 Budget to Describe Proposal in Detail.
2.4.2 Budgets to Be Approved.
2.4.3 Treatment of Direct and Indirect Costs to Be Consistent.
2.4.4 Cost Sharing.
2.4.5 Cost share in excess of $250,000 per year ($500,000 aggregate) per vendor to be approved by the University Board of Trustees.
2.4.6 Cost Share Tracking.
2.5 Personnel Considerations for Proposals.
2.5.1 Salary to Include Allowance for Fringe Benefits.
2.5.2 Salary Budgets to Reflect Estimate of Time and Effort and Base Salary Rate.
2.5.3 Institutional Base Salary and Institutional Base Salary Rate.
2.5.4 Academic Year Defined.
2.5.5 Federal Grants Prohibited from Increasing Institutional Base Salary during Academic Year.
2.5.6 Payment of Extra Service Pay to Faculty During the Academic Year.
2.5.7 Payment of Stipends to Faculty for Periods Outside the Academic Year (Summer Pay).
2.5.8 Intra-Institution of Higher Education Consulting.
2.5.9 Course Releases.
2.5.10 Restrictions on Salary Expenditures by Certain Agencies.
2.5.11 Level of Effort Required for Grants and Sponsored Programs Permitting Direct Salary Payments (Cost Share and Voluntary Committed Cost Share).
2.5.12 Level of Effort Required for Programs Without Cost Share Requirements or That May Limit Direct Salaries (Voluntary Uncommitted Cost Share).
2.5.13 Restrictions on Direct Charges for Clerical and Administrative Staff.
2.6 Indirect Cost Considerations for Proposals.
2.6.1 Proposals to Include Indirect Cost Recovery.
2.6.2 Alternative Indirect Cost Rates and Indirect Cost Recovery.
2.6.3 On Campus and Off Campus Indirect Costs.
2.6.4 Indirect Cost Distributions.
2.6.5 Negotiations Related to Indirect Cost Distributions.
2.7 Other Considerations for Proposals.
2.7.1 Data Management Plan.
2.7.2 Equipment Costs.
2.7.3 Computer Equipment Purchases.
2.7.4 Certain Direct Charges Disallowed.
2.7.5 Travel.
2.7.6 Subrecipient Contracts.
2.7.7 Program Income.
2.7.8 Scholarships.
2.7.9 Office of University Advancement and UNA Foundation Involvement in Awards.
3 Post Award Management and Compliance Policies.
3.1. Establishing a New Award.
3.1.1 PI to Notify OGSP of New Award.
3.1.2 OGSP to Coordinate Acceptance.
3.1.3 OGSP to Participate in Any Contract Negotiations.
3.1.4 OGSP to Request Banner Account.
3.1.5 PI to Participate in Kickoff Meeting with OGSP and OGCA.
3.1.6 PI to Execute Statement of Agreement or Assignment Approvals.
3.2 Time and Effort Reporting.
3.3 Financial Oversight.
3.3.1 The Principal Investigator to Monitor Budgets, Obligations, and Expenditures.
3.3.2 Regular Review of Budgets Required.
3.3.3 General Conditions of Fiscal Control.
3.3.4 The Principal Investigator Solely Responsible for Certain Actions.
3.3.5 Cost Share Tracking.
3.4 Procurement Actions.
3.5 Award Actions Requiring Prior Approval.
3.5.1 Budget Changes.
3.5.2 Changes to Scope of Work.
3.5.3 Assignment of New Principal Investigator.
3.6 Grant Closeout Policies.
3.6.1 Indirect Cost Distribution.
3.6.2 Residuals.
3.6.3 Notifications for Human Subjects Review and Animal Use Committee.
3.6.4 Data Management.
The 帝王会所, through the (OGSP), supports the acquisition of external grants and contracts to help University faculty and staff fully participate in research and service activities. The OGSP helps faculty and staff with associated grant and contract pre-award activities such as locating funding sources, reviewing proposals, obtaining appropriate endorsements, and other related efforts. The OGSP also participates in the post-award administration of grants and contracts as well as maintaining and administering such institutional polices as the Intellectual Property Policy, policies of the Institutional Review Board for research involving human subjects, Research Misconduct and Conflict of Interest policies, and the Animal Care and Use Policy. Federal and state agencies require these programs, which provide the ethical framework within which the 帝王会所 manages research and related results. In addition, this office provides guidance on meeting requirements for fiscal compliance, record keeping, reporting and evaluation.
The (OGSP) can assist faculty to that will advance the 帝王会所’s mission as a teaching, research, and service institution. This includes research to advance understanding of education, pedagogy, and educational processes; research to expand the scientific and technological base and to support both basic and applied research; and proposals that extend the service reach of the University to adjacent communities and beyond. These efforts include opportunities for community service, collaboration in pursuit of economic, community, and workforce development as well as proposals that extend the academic expertise of the University outward for the benefit of the State of Alabama, local communities and the public at large. The assists faculty to , , , and to strengthen proposals. The OGSP will also submit proposals requiring an organizational account and centralize proposal review and submission processes. The office can serve as a liaison between the principal investigator and various stakeholders and assist with research compliance including , conflict of interest, and other research policies.
The 帝王会所 and its external grants and sponsored programs are governed by numerous laws and regulations. These include the requirements of federal grants imposed by law and regulation of the U.S. Government and its various departments, the laws of the State of Alabama, and the contractual obligations, terms, and conditions of respective grant agreements. Each award of funds from external sources carries with it a contractual obligation to obey the terms and conditions specified by the external funder. The will assist to administer these as they may apply, separately or collectively, to each award.
In addition to external authority, OGSP actions are subject to all internal UNA policies. This includes all policies related to human resources and financial management, including the , Staff Handbook, and the financial management policies of the Office of Business and Financial Affairs, , and Office of / of the University. Although the infusion of grant management and oversight requirements may alter procedures to the extent necessary to adequately and accountably administer external funds, procedural decisions shall be guided by the appropriate policies, and deviations in procedure shall be allowed only when approved by appropriate legal, administrative, or financial personnel. While procedures may vary in some circumstances, deviations from UNA policy will not be allowed.
1.1 Mission Statement. To promote a culture connecting the 帝王会所 to external supporters sharing the University’s mission and values of teaching, research, and service.
1.2 Organization of the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs. The Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs (OGSP) is located in the Academic Affairs Division of the 帝王会所. The OGSP is headed by the Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs, who is the principal administrative representative of the 帝王会所 for grants and sponsored programs. The Director of OGSP acts as the University’s Authorized Organizational Representative, or equivalent, for each grant-making agency with which the 帝王会所 may contract. The Director of OGSP is the principal contact for all activities related to pre-award proposal development. The Office of Grants & Contracts Accounting is the principal contact for post-award financial activities, and OGSP assists to administer awards and to develop policies related to grants and sponsored programs at the 帝王会所.
1.2.1 OGSP Primary Roles and Responsibilities. The Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs will help UNA faculty and staff to prepare grants for submission, assisting to develop proposal budgets and proposal content, to complete administrative, technical, and financial reviews, to assist the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or equivalent to conduct human subjects reviews, to submit completed proposals, and to administer funded projects. The OGSP endeavors to maintain accurate and timely communications with potential applicants regarding the availability of funding opportunities. In addition, the OGSP coordinates policies related to the pursuit of grant funds, compliance with regulation and contractual obligations of funders, and the integration of external requirements with the internal processes necessary for accountability and efficiency in the conduct of research and service activities funded by external sponsors.
1.2.2 Relationship to Grants and Contracts Accounting. The Office of Grants & Contracts Accounting is the division within the Office of Business and Financial Affairs that is primarily responsible for the financial and accounting functions necessary for the administration of grants and sponsored programs. Most post-award actions are reviewed by both OGSP and OGCA and move from the Principal Investigator in charge of the grant award through the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs and to the Office of Grants & Contracts Accounting. In addition, the Vice President of Business and Financial Affairs requires the OGCA to review all pre-award budgets before submitting to the funding agency. The grants accounting staff is available to assist with pre-award proposal development questions related to the administration of a proposed grant-funded activity. Separate lines of authority, roles and responsibilities, exist between the administrative (OGSP) and post-award financial accounting (OGCA) functions of grant-funded projects, with both units working as seamlessly as possible to serve and protect the interests of the Principal Investigator, the University, and the funding agent.
1.2.3 Supplemental Guidance and Official Websites. Supplemental guidance may be published periodically to the official websites of the , , and other business offices including procurement and the Controller to be subsequently incorporated, as appropriate, into these policies and procedures
1.3 Fidelity to Law, Regulation and Contract Obligations. The UNA OGSP will operate within the authority provided by federal, state, and local law and regulation and the requirements of contractual obligations within awards. The OGSP will not deviate from the requirements of applicable laws and regulations in the course of business. The OGSP staff will not approve the submission of documents or any proposed activity that is in violation of any law or regulation, including but not limited to, financial transactions and reimbursement of expenditures by UNA personnel, or any third party under contract to UNA to perform grant funded activities, that do not comply with policy and regulation. Under rare circumstances, where a question arises regarding the interpretation of these requirements, OGSP policy will be first to seek guidance from internal subject matter experts before seeking guidance from external funders. The OGSP will authorize deviations from policy as interpreted by OGSP in rare circumstances, with written permission from the funder, and only with the concurrence of appropriate UNA legal, administrative, or financial personnel.
1.4 Principal Investigator’s Responsibility for Proposal Development and Award Administration; OGSP and OGCA to Assist. Although the OGSP’s role is to assist with the development of proposals and the administration of awards, and the execution of that responsibility entails certain checks and balances, the ultimate responsibility for adequately understanding and applying agency rules and regulations in the development of proposals and the administration of awards resides with the project’s principal investigator. OGSP has a responsibility to research and resolve questions related to the application of policies and regulations, including the development of policy and policy interpretations to assist the PI, and has an obligation to apply these to the administration of awards. OGCA provides financial management and ensures compliance with contract requirements and university policies prior to authorizing financial transactions related to grants and contracts.
1.5 Assumption of Responsibility. In the event the PIs are unable to complete the terms of an agreement, the funder will be notified to determine if the project can be completed by another PI at the University, or whether the award may be transferred in whole or in part, or canceled.
1.6 Subrecipient Monitoring. UNA shall be responsible for monitoring performance under external awards and ensuring that all project activity, including that of subrecipients, is compliant with award terms, conditions, and applicable regulations. OGSP shall be responsible for oversight of subrecipient monitoring. In some cases, it may be necessary to determine whether the University’s relationship with a third party is that of a contractor-vendor or a recipient-subrecipient to ensure compliance with policies, and OGSP shall assist to determine when subrecipient monitoring is required. OGSP will ensure the subrecipient or its principal agents are not debarred or suspended from receiving federal funds, ensuring the identification of federal awards in subagreements, assist to advise subrecipients of requirements imposed on them by receipt of federal funds for the subaward; requiring access to subrecipient records, monitoring compliance with the terms of the subagreement, and assisting to assess and mitigate the risk of contracting with subrecipients.
1.7 Official Communications. Official communication with regard to grants and sponsored programs shall be by University email or by memo on University letterhead and signed by the appropriate official. Communications by other means, including telephone calls, text messaging, instant messaging applications, or personal communication may be used to communicate informally and expediently, but shall not be considered official communications for the purposes of documentation or recordkeeping responsibilities of the OGSP and OGCA. The Office of Grants and Contracts Accounting shall receive and transmit all financial reporting. Other official communication will be transmitted by the Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs. PIs are encouraged to include OGSP in routine communications affecting award administration, as well as OGCA in correspondence affecting budgets and financial affairs.
1.8 Compliance Policies. All grants and sponsored programs will follow The 帝王会所’s Drug-Free Workplace Policy; Policy on Conflict of Interest/Financial Disclosures in Research and Other Sponsored Programs; Human Subjects Research Policy; Animal Use Policy; Policy for Record Retention, Data Management, and Ownership; Research Misconduct; and Research Ethics Policy.
1.9 Covered Activities, Adoption and Amendments. This policy shall be in effect for all externally funded grants and sponsored programs proposed, awarded, or accepted by the 帝王会所. Gifts and donations without contracts and compliance requirements shall be exempt from this policy. This policy shall be in effect from the date of adoption by Shared Governance of the 帝王会所. Any changes required by law may be approved by the General Counsel and updated with appropriate date of effect without approval by Shared Governance. Other changes that, in the opinion of General Counsel and with approval of the appropriate member(s) of the Executive Council, do not have substantive impact on the rights and responsibilities of employees, may be approved as editorial changes in accordance with the Shared Governance Document of the 帝王会所.
1.10 Acronyms.
1.10.1 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
1.10.2 Institutional Base Salary (IBS)
1.10.3 Institutional Review Board (IRB)
1.10.4 Office of Grants and Contracts Accounting (OGCA)
1.10.5 Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs (OGSP)
1.10.6 Principal Investigator (PI)
1.10.7 帝王会所 (UNA)