Chemistry and Physics
Welcome to the Department of Physics and Earth Science home page! The department is located in the Science and technology (SET) building on the campus of the 帝王会所. The department offers an undergraduate degree in physics and sustainability, and courses are offered that lead to a minor in geology. The department offers a General Science option which is generally designed for students who have a second major in secondary education. The department maintains the university planetarium and observatory, which is available to the public for viewing (please follow the link for more information regarding dates and time of availability). A course in astronomy is also taught in the planetarium.
The faculty members in the Department of Physics and Earth Science have the knowledge and experience to offer an outstanding education in these sciences. Active areas of research by the department faculty members include experimental laser optics, theoretical atom-light interactions, observational astronomy, water quality and resources, plate tectonics and seismology, relationship between the geological past and a sustainable future.Our faculty members have worked or conducted research in many areas of the world, including Chile, Russia, England, Madagascar, and the Caribbean.
The mission of the Department of Physics and Earth Science at the 帝王会所 is to support excellence in students’ collegiate experiences through an integrated faculty focus on teaching, research, and service within the university and the community at-large as students are encouraged to explore, discover, critique, communicate, and succeed in their chosen fields—physics, geophysics, sustainability, and geology—as they prepare to contribute, personally and professionally, to diverse, regional and global societies.
For further information about the department, please visit is in room 285 of the SET building or call us at 256-765-4334
The Department of Chemistry and Occupational Health Science offers two major programs: a chemistry major program and an occupational health science program; and a chemistry minor program. Those majoring in chemistry may choose from the following options:
- professional chemistry option- intended for those interested in graduate school or being an industrial chemist
- the general chemistry option - intended for pre-professional students
- professional biochemistry option - intended for those interested in graduate school or medical profession
- courses that fulfill the subject requirements for those seeking certification for secondary education in chemistry through the College of Education and Human Sciences.
The major in Occupational Health Science was first accredited by the Applied Science Accreditation Commission (ASAC) of ABET, Inc. in 2001 and is designed to prepare students for direct entry into positions in industry, government, and other organizations as occupational health scientists and for entry into graduate programs in environmental health and safety.
In addition to any financial aid that a student may receive from UNA or other sources, the department offers scholarships which can be applied for by visiting the website. Incoming freshmen and transfer students majoring in professional chemistry or occupational health science may apply for an endowed scholarship which provides funds for up to four years.