Graduate Studies in Percussion
UNA currently offers a Master of Arts degree in Music Education (). This degree can include an internship option for those without a bachelor's degree in music education, or an option with no internship for those who hold an education degree. While the degree is in music education, graduate students can continue to develop performance skills as they would if they were studying in a performance degree, with opportunities to study and develop their individual interests.
Opportunities for graduate students can include performing with any of our ensembles, conducting/coaching a percussion ensemble, helping to administrate the percussion program, assisting with methods class, assisting with teaching the Marching Percussion Section, and more based on qualifications and experience. Courses specific to percussion include private lessons, graduate percussion ensemble, pedagogy, and literature. In addition, independent study courses specific to student interests can be explored.
Suggested repertoire is as follows:
Snare Drum:
1 rudimental solo
1 concert solo or etude
Play a concert style roll which crescendos from piano to fortissimo, and decrescendos back to piano over one minute.
1 two mallet solo or etude
1 four mallet solo
Major scales and arpeggios - 2 octaves
1 solo or etude
Tuning and pitch matching will be tested.
Drum set and ethnic percussion are not required for the audition but are encouraged to show additional performance skills.
Orchestral Excerpts:
2 Snare Drum
2 Mallet
2 Timpani
1 Tambourine
1 Triangle
Keyboard and/or snare drum sight reading will be required of all who audition.
Please apply for admission to the University before coming to audition for the music faculty.