Directions for Scheduling/Canceling Appointments

Appointment Reminders: 

  1. Students should schedule appointments in advance using the to guarantee an appointment. Students must "Register" an account in WCOnline before scheduling appointments. If anyone has difficulties logging in to WCOnline, call 256-765-4722.  

  2. Students are welcome to walk into the writing center for appointments when available.  

  3. If for any reason students are unable to keep their scheduled appointments, then students should cancel their appointments 24 hours in advance. Students may reschedule at their convenience. 

  4. Note: If students consistently forget to cancel appointments that have been scheduled in advance, students may be blocked from scheduling appointments in advance for the rest of their college career at UNA. Students will then rely on walk-in appointments, or students can call the University Success Center to schedule an appointment.

  5. Online appointments can be conducted virtually using WCOnline.

  6. Students should not schedule back-to-back appointments or more than one appointment per day unless authorized by the Director of the writing center.   Please limit 30 minutes for in-person appointments and 1 hour for online appointments.                                                                 
  7. Only one paper can be reviewed during one writing consultation.


Scheduling Appointments Using WCOnline:

**Remember, students must "Register" an account in WCOnline before scheduling appointments.

  1. To schedule writing consultations, go to  and log in using your UNA email address and password.
  2. After logging in to WCOnline, a schedule will appear. The "white" boxes are available for appointments. Click on the white box of your choice. 
  3. Once an appointment is chosen, a pop-up window, "Create New Appointment," appears.
    1. If choosing an online consultation, change the time to 1 hour.
    2. Under the section "Meet Tutor Online?", choose "Yes. Schedule Online appointment."  
    3. If choosing an in-person, face-to-face appointment, click "No. Schedule Face-to-face appointment." 
  4. Once the choice has been made, then scroll down to complete the required fields.
  5. Students may upload a completed paper or an assignment, but this is not required.
  6. When completed, click "Create Appointment."     

**For online appointments, students must have audio/video capability on their computer. 

Conducting Online Appointments

  1. Log in to WCOnline with your UNA email and password.
  2. The schedule will appear. Your appointment will appear as a yellow box. 
  3. Click on the yellow box, and a pop-up window will open.
  4. Click on the box, "Start or Join Online Consultation."

Canceling Appointments within WCOnline

  1. Log in to WCOnlin with your UNA email and password.
  2. When the schedule appears, locate a yellow box (this is your appointment).
  3. Click on the yellow box, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click "Cancel Appointment." 
  4. Please cancel appointments at least 24 hours in advance so that another student can schedule that appointment time. If the 24-hour time limit has passed, please call 256-765-4722 to cancel your appointment.