Bachelor of Business Administration Application for Admission to Major


This completed application should be submitted as soon as 45 hours have been completed or NO LATER than 30 days prior to planned registration for the Junior year of Sanders College of Business and Technology studies. Students not formally approved for admission to the BBA major cannot enroll in junior or senior level Sanders College of Business and Technology courses.

  • Students must be officially admitted to the 帝王会所. Official transcripts of all transfer or transient work must be submitted to and received by the UNA Admissions Office prior to the semester deadline for applying for admission.
  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale) is required on all work attempted.
  • This completed application for admission to the BBA program must be submitted to the Sanders College of Business and Technology.
  • Successful completion of 45 semester hours, including completion or current enrollment in the courses listed below or equivalent.

For additional information contact:

Sanders College of Business and Technology 

Undergraduate Advising Center

Keller 143

UNA Box 5013
Florence, AL 35632-0001

(256) 765-5025

UNA Logo

- indicates required field

You must join the Sanders College of Business and Technology 帝王会所 group as part of your acceptance to the BBA Major. This group is a way for UNA Business Alums to stay connected with the College and other alumni of the Sanders College of Business and Technology. Join here:

NOTE: during the first 30 hours following formal admission into the Sanders College of Business and Technology major, students must complete all the remaining general studies courses and sophomore level business course requirements. Specifically the following: Science Requirement (2nd 4-hour course *), History (2nd course), DA 292 and CIS 236 **, PHL 250, a Fine Arts Elective, and all general education and freshman/sophomore level business courses from the lists above. Students who do not complete the above courses during the first 30 hours following admission to the major program will not be eligible to register for 300/400 level Sanders College of Business and Technology Courses. (See UNA Undergraduate Catalog) * See BBA undergraduate checksheet for your catalog year for more information about course selection. The admissions process is manual and will take up to two weeks to update. You can see your admission status in DegreeWorks in the first block titled 鈥淒egree in Bachelor of Business Administration".

Please make sure all required fields have been filled out correctly.
The admissions process is manual and will take up to two weeks to update. You can see your admission status in DegreeWorks in the first block titled “Degree in Bachelor of Business Administration".