Mission Statement and Diversity Plan

Mission Statement

The department shares the College of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering's commitments to its students, expecting them "to graduate with an enhanced ability to acquire knowledge, to think clearly and critically, to communicate effectively, to respect and understand diversity, to appreciate aesthetic values, and to possess the skills necessary for a career and for lifelong learning." 

Department emphasis is on giving students the opportunity to develop ethical communication competency through academic and artistic performance, study, internships and co-curricular involvement in university, professional, and community activities. Faculty and department administration are expected to contribute to this student mission through academic leadership, quality teaching and advising, and participation in scholarship, creative presentation, and community projects of local and global significance.

Diversity Plan

The 帝王会所 Department of Communications adopts an inclusive definition of diversity as specified in the 帝王会所 Values Statement, which encourages all members of the UNA community to maintain a culture that:

Adheres to personal academic and intellectual integrity; Embraces the diversity of cultural backgrounds, personal characteristics, and life situations represented in this community; Values an environment for the free expression of ideas, opinions, thoughts, and differences in people; and Respects the rights, dignity, and property of all. 

The members of the community of the 帝王会所 will promote an atmosphere free of discrimination based on but not limited to the following: age, culture, ethnicity, gender, nationality, national origin, political affiliation, physical ability, physical attributes, race, religion, sexual orientation, and/or socio-economic status. 

All members of the University community recognize that we are an integral part of the community and will respect, honor, and protect the freedom and dignity of all individuals. 

Furthermore, to promote and maintain a diverse culture within the Department of Communications, a commitment is made to: 

Create a diverse department community by fostering a climate that promotes and nurtures diversity and equity for all faculty, staff, and students; 

Support recruitment and retention of minority faculty and staff by ensuring minority representation on faculty search committees and promoting efforts to increase the number of qualified minority and female applicants in faculty and staff searches; 

Increase the recruitment and retention of minority students by visiting high schools that have high concentrations of students of color and students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds while also collaborating with other University offices to provide students with financial and experiential incentives to attend the University; and 

Develop courses and include teaching materials and/or modules in current courses to increase opportunities for gaining knowledge and understanding of the unique history, contributions, and perspectives of underrepresented groups. 

Updated August 2019