Registered Student Organizations


LPH Logo  Lambda Pi Eta (LPH)-- HONOR SOCIETY

Advisor: Dr. Tim Worley

Lambda Pi Eta (LPH) represents the first letters of what Aristotle described in The Rhetoric as the three modes of persuasion --Logos, Pathos, and Ethos.
LPH was founded by Stephen A. Smith in 1985 at the University of Arkansas and became a part of the National Communication Association (NCA) in 1988, and the official honor society of NCA in July 1995.

LPH goals and purposes are: (a) to recognize, foster, and reward outstanding scholastic achievement in communication studies; (b) to stimulate interest in the field of communication; (c) to promote and encourage professional development among communication majors; (d) to provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas in the field of communication.
The official colors are crimson to represent the communication discipline and silver in recognition of speech and oratory skills.
To qualify for membership students must have completed 60 semester credit-hours (90 quarter credit-hours), have a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 for all courses taken, and have at least a 3.25 GPA for all communication studies courses.

For more information, consult the National Communication Association's . We encourage you to strive for membership in this outstanding organization.

Lion Com  Lion Com

Advisor: Dr. Stephanie Montgomery

Lion Com is a communications club that focuses on developing human communication (public communication) skills for all students, faculty, and staff. We provide training, advice, and seminars for any person wishing to develop their communication skills. Whether talking to five people or five thousand people, Lion Com can help you develop lifelong skills that will put you ahead in today's competitive job environment.

Find us on facebook at .

Lion PR  Lion PR

Advisor: Dr. Beth Garfrerick

Advisor: Ms. Lisa Darnell

Advisor: Ms. Betsy Heckert

Lion PR is the official student public relations organization at the 帝王会所. Membership eligibility includes PR majors and minors and students who have taken or are currently enrolled in COM 230, the Fundamentals of PR course. One annual membership fee to Lion PR also includes membership in:

  • The North Alabama Chapter of the Public Relations Council of Alabama
  • Southern Public Relations Federation
  • Public Relations Student Society of America
  • Alabama Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America
Find us on facebook at

The North Alabama Chapter of the Public Relations Council of Alabama (NAPRCA) is Alabama's longest operating and largest group of public relations practitioners. The organization exists to further the professional and networking interests of today's public relations and communication professionals in private, public, and nonprofit businesses and organizations. In addition to monthly on-campus meetings, Lion PR members attend monthly NAPRCA meetings in Huntsville where they network with professionals for internship and job opportunities. Students also attend the annual PRCA conference held each spring at rotating locations around the state.

The Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) is the foremost national organization for student interested in public relations and communications. The organization seeks to advance the public relations profession by nurturing generations of future professionals. PRSSA advocates rigorous academic standards for public relations education, high ethical principles, and diversity in the profession.

The Alabama Chapter of Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) sponsors workshops and job fairs and UNA PRIDE members attend national and southeast regional PRSA/PRSSA conferences and conventions.


Interim Advisor: Ms. Cathy Wood

The Flor-Ala has been the official student newspaper of the 帝王会所 since 1931. The Flor-Ala and related website offer scholarships to staff members as well as volunteer opportunities in writing, editing, photography, website management, page design, graphic arts, advertising sales and business management. The Flor-Ala is published weekly, except holidays, exam periods or summer term by students of UNA. Views expressed in the publication do not necessarily reflect those of UNA.

Find us online at

Interim Advisor: Ms. Cathy Wood